National Holidays
In Mexico, people are still reviving their old traditions every year. Many of the national holidays are connected to religion, to the independence from Spain or to the remembrance of family members who have died. We invite you to experience the unique flair of a traditional Mexican feast.

Day of the Dead in Oaxaca, Michoacan and Mexico City
October 31st – November 2nd
This is a very special Mexican holiday which is celebrated throughout Mexico as well as in other cultures, focused on gatherings of family and friends to remember and pray for our beloved ones who have died. The people used to build private altars called ofrendas honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, their favorite foods and beverages as well as things that were important to them.

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Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe
December 12th
The Virgin of Guadalupe is a celebrated Roman Catholic icon of the Virgin Mary, who appeared once to the peasant Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac, near Mexico City. On this day people from everywhere in the country, make their way to the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe, bringing presents, asking for miracles and giving thanks to the saint. Today, this day is a national holiday including traditional music and fun attractions.

The Independence Day (“The shout of Dolores”)
September 15th & 16th
The Virgin of Guadalupe is the Mexican advocate of the Virgin Mary and is also a symbol of Mexican identity. She appeared once to the peasant Juan Diego on the Tepeyac hill near Mexico City. On the 12th of December, people from everywhere in the country make their way to the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe, bringing presents, asking for miracles, and giving thanks for the gift of life. This day is not an official national holiday but is celebrated everywhere.

Holy Week in Taxco
Easter week
The processions and ceremonies of the Holy Week of Taxco, a small town in the Mexican state of Guerrero, have gained international fame. Between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, you can be witness of 10 major processions, six during the evening and four during the day.